University of Arizona

Language, communication and culture

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dataset posted on 2022-06-28

Mutsun Language Database Virtual Machine

software posted on 2022-06-14

posted on 2021-10-19

Oral Presentation for "Degrees and Standards in the Meanings of Roots"

presentation posted on 2021-06-08

Poster Presentation for "Why does English need to be bothering while Romance just bothers?"

poster posted on 2021-06-01

Poster Presentation for "A Minimalist Account of Balinese Binding"

poster posted on 2021-05-25

Oral Presentation for "Agreement with Disjoined Subjects in German"

presentation posted on 2021-05-21

Oral Presentation for "On disjoint reference effects in short passives"

presentation posted on 2021-05-21