University of Arizona

Data for "Diffraction-limited integral-field spectroscopy for extreme adaptive-optics systems with the Multi-Core fiber-fed Integral-Field Unit"

posted on 2020-12-16, 16:46 authored by Sebastiaan HaffertSebastiaan Haffert, Robert J. Harris, Alessio Zanutta, Fraser A. Pike, Andrea Bianco, Eduardo Redaelli, Aurélien Benoît, David G. MacLachlan, Calum A. Rosse, Itandehui Gris-Sánchez, Mareike D. Trappen, Yilin Xu, Matthias Blaicher, Pascal Maier, Giulio Riva, Baptiste Sinquin, Caroline Kulcsár, Nazim Ali Bharmal, Eric Gendron, Lazar Staykov, Tim J. Morris, Santiago Barboza, Norbert Muench, Lisa Bardou, Léonard Prengère, Henri-François Raynaud, Phillip Hottinger, Theodoros Anagnos, James Osborn, Christian Koos, Robert R. Thomson, Tim A. Birks, Ignas A. G. Snellen, Christoph U. Keller
Direct imaging instruments have the spatial resolution to resolve exoplanets from their host star. This enables direct characterization of the exoplanet’s atmosphere, but most direct imaging instruments do not have spectrographs with high enough spectral resolving power for detailed atmospheric characterization. We used recent advances in photonic manufacturing to create the Multi-Core fiber-fed Integral-Field Unit (MCIFU), a novel integral-field spectrograph for telescopes that have adaptive optics systems. The data set is a collection of data files from the MCIFU project that were used to validate and measure the performance of the MCIFU, both in the lab and on-sky. The on-sky data was taken with the adaptive optics instrument CANARY at the 4.2m William Herschel Telescope on the Canary Islands in July 2019. The data that is collected here was used to create the figures in the draft "Diffraction-limited integral-field spectroscopy for extreme adaptive optics systems with the Multi-Core fiber-fed Integral-Field Unit" that is under review in JATIS.

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