--------------------------------------------- # Data & Code for Manuscript "Surface Potential Gradients and NEXRAD Radar Reflectivities Before the Onset of Lightning at the KSC-ER" Preferred citation (DataCite format): Cummins, Kenneth L (2022). Data & Code for Manuscript "Surface Potential Gradients and NEXRAD Radar Reflectivities Before the Onset of Lightning at the KSC-ER". University of Arizona Research Data Repository. Dataset. https://doi.org/10.25422/azu.data.20349084 Corresponding Author: Kenneth L Cummins, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, kcummins@arizona.edu License: CC BY-NC 4.0 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25422/azu.data.20349084 --------------------------------------------- ## Summary The lightning and surface potential gradient analyses presented in this work was done by the first author (SCH) of the related manuscript as part of his Master’s research at the University of Arizona, completed in 2000. Most of the source data from the LPLWS and LDAR systems were lost over the last two decades, so the only available records are PDF images (LPLWS) and figures in Microsoft Word (LDAR). The level-II NEXRAD radar data used in this study are available through the NOAA public S3 bucket on Amazon (https://noaa-nexrad-level2.s3.amazonaws.com), and the relevant subset of data are included here. The "code" for "Isolated Thunderstorms" consists of an Excel spreadsheet (CaseAnalysis_KLC_final.xlsx) that includes the extracted parameters used in the tables in this manuscript, the MATLAB script used to produce Figures 8 and 9 (HandelFigsRotateFinal.m), the MATLAB code that calculates distance needed for Table 3 (efmCellDistances.m), and the MATLAB Measure Tool (and related figures) used to produce the electric field values in Table 5. Supporting data tables (two txt files) used by these MATLAB scripts are also included in this folder. There is no "code" for the "Horizontal Flash" analysis. --------------------------------------------- ## Files and Folders The DataCodeRepository.zip file contains subdirectories for Code, VHF Lightning Mapping data (LDAR), NEXRAD radar data, and LPLWS data. These folders, in turn contain separate folders for isolated thunderstorms and horizontal flashes. Note that some of these folders are empty, indicating that we do not have supporting code or data beyond the figures that are included in the manuscript (as noted earlier). The Measure Tool v2.02 included in the Code folder is licensed under the BSD 2-clause license by Jan Neggers --------------------------------------------- ## Contributor Roles The roles are defined by the CRediT taxonomy http://credit.niso.org/ - Scott C. Handel, NOAA Climate Prediction Center, Conceptualization, Investigation, Formal analysis, Writing – original draft, review, and editing - Kenneth L. Cummins (corresponding author), Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, Conceptualization, Investigation, Formal analysis, Data curation, Writing – original draft, review, and editing - E. Philip Krider, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, Conceptualization, Investigation, Funding acquisition, Methodology, Writing – review and editing