--------------------------------------------- # UArizona textbook and homework access code costs for Fall 2021 semester Preferred citation (DataCite format): Zuckert, Riley Karsen (2022). UArizona textbook and homework access code costs for Fall 2021 semester. University of Arizona Research Data Repository. Figure. https://doi.org/10.25422/azu.data.19719631 Corresponding Author: Riley Karsen Zuckert, Student, School of Information, rileyzuckert@email.arizona.edu License: CC BY 4.0 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25422/azu.data.19719631 --------------------------------------------- ## Summary An interactive visualization analyzing the costs of materials that must be purchased for UArizona students to be successful on and complete their homework in a given semester. Data was manually collected through surveying of UArizona undergraduate and graduate students in Fall 2021. The visualization is constructed using R's shiny.io and displays three interpretations of the material costs. Data collection: This data was collected from a talk back board survey hosted by the University of Arizona Libraries UX Team (conducted by myself). The board was placed in the lobby of Main Library for two weeks and received over 250 responses. The board focused on the questions, "How much did you spend on textbooks this semester?" and "How much did you spend on homework access codes this semester?" The price range categories were separated into ten bins, ranging from $0 to $800+. Undergraduate students and graduate students were targeted to participate, separating their response color when marking their "vote" on the board. For a full explanation of the board, see https://www.notion.so/University-textbook-and-homework-costs-04a4c16bc6064c9c8e6f54d5a6c86014. Data description: The variables collected from the talk back board to be input into a data frame for the shinyaps.io are material, price range, and level of school. Material is separated into textbook and homework access code, price range is split into bins comprising $0, $1-$99, $100-$199, $200-$299, $300-$399, $400-$499, $500-$599, $600-$699, $700-$799, and $800+, and with level separated into undergraduate students and graduate students. Overview of the visualizations: Bar graphs depicting how many students from the survey paid for materials at each price range, grouped by material and level. Box plots displaying the distribution of student material costs, grouped by material and level. Pie chart displaying the overall distribution of student payments for materials. --------------------------------------------- ## Materials and Methods - R version 3.0. Required libraries: rsconnect, RColorBrewer, shiny, tidyverse --------------------------------------------- ## Additional Notes This item is part of the University of Arizona Libraries 2022 Data Visualization Challenge, which is available here: https://doi.org/10.25422/azu.data.c.5963184 Links: - https://rileykzuckert.shinyapps.io/university-homework-material-costs-dashboard/ - https://github.com/rileykzuckert/shinyapps.io-uarizona-material-costs - https://www.notion.so/University-homework-costs-interactive-dashboard-4f1b76e44cab43e9b31553e535702b30 - https://www.notion.so/University-textbook-and-homework-costs-04a4c16bc6064c9c8e6f54d5a6c86014