--------------------------------------------- # Pedal the Old Pueblo Preferred citation (DataCite format): Iuliano, Joseph Edward (2021). Pedal the Old Pueblo. University of Arizona Research Data Repository. Dataset. https://doi.org/10.25422/azu.data.14849762 Corresponding Author: Joseph Edward Iuliano, SGDE/CAPLA, jiuliano@email.arizona.edu License: CC BY 4.0 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25422/azu.data.14849762 --------------------------------------------- ## Summary Dateset for Pedal the Old Pueblo: A Naturalistic Study on Bicycling in Tucson, AZ. Contains interview transcripts, video files, and GIS data --------------------------------------------- ## Files and Folders #### Study Cuts.mp4: highlight reel provided for Figshare for video preview. #### Interviews.zip: Individual interview transcripts and analysis with transportation planners in Tucson, AZ, Pima County, University of Arizona, and a bicycle advocate in .doc format. - Folder 1: Transcripts contains the .doc files of the interviews - File 1: Bike Planning.jpg is an image for a bicycle planning model. - File 2: Interview Read Me.txt explains the process for analyzing the interviews and the setup of the coding document. - File 3: Interview_coding.xlsx is the coding file that contains the themes and quotes from the interviews. #### Images.zip: contains screenshots from the six study participants who recorded their rides. - Folder 1: Athlete Images: Contains .jpg images from the athlete's rides - Folder 2: Commuter1 Images: Contains .jpg images from Commuter 1's rides - Folder 3: Commuter2 Images: Contains .jpg images from Commuter 2's rides - Folder 4: Commuter3 Images: Contains .jpg images from Commuter 3's rides - Folder 5: Recreational1 Images: Contains .jpg images from Recreational 1's rides - Folder 6: Images Read Me.text: explains how the video analysis occurred #### Bicycle Maps.zip: Contains the GIS analysis based on the GPS files from the 6 riders, georeferenced issues they experienced, PAG bicycle counts, and Strava Heatmap - Folder 1: All_routes_and_issues: contains the shapefile of merged routes from all 6 riders - Folder 2: GPFile_to_SHP: contains a tool to convert GPS files to SHP - Folder 3: Jursidiction_Boundaries: contains a SHP file for Pima County and local governments - Folder 4: Maps and Images: contains images and maps produced through the data analysis - Folder 5: Rider_GPX_Files: contains the 6 riders GPX files - Folder 6: Strava Heatmap: contains a .tif file of the publically available Strava heatmap - Folder 7: Tucson Strava Heatmap: contains a .tif file of the Strava heatmap georeferenced to Tucson - File 1 and 2: Geo_referenced issues and Geo_referenced_issues_combined.xlsx are Excel files that have the incidents noted during the video analysis georeferenced and then combined into similar categories. - File 3: Heatmap and incident read me.txt explains the process for data analysis and the file architecture - File 4 and 5: PAGBikePedCounts.csv and PimaCountsAvg.csv are CSV files with the PAG bicycle counts (raw) and averaged across all count years - File 6: Route counts.txt is notes on the number of routes ridden by participants and compared to counts by PAG. - File 7: Tucson_cycling_heatmaps_incidents.mxd is the ArcGIS file used for analysis #### GPXfiles.zip contains the GPX files for each of the riders. Each folder contains the rides by day. File naming: Participant_Month_Day_ride number for the day - Folder 1: Athlete GPX contains the GPX files for the Athlete - Folder 2: Commuter1 GPX contains the GPX for Commuter 1 - Folder 3: Commuter2 GPX contains the GPX for Commuter 2 - Folder 4: Commuter3 GPX contains the GPX for Commuter 3 - Folder 5: Recreational1 GPX contains the GPX for Recreational 1 - Folder 6: Recreational2 GPX contains the GPX for Recreational 2 - File 1: GPX read me.txt explains the analysis process. #### Commuter1.zip contains the MP4 video files for Commuter 1 divided into each day. File naming: Participant_Date_camera+clip number (Com1_116_front1 is Commuter 1 on 1/16 front camera first clip) - Folder 1: 1-16 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 2: 1-21 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 3: 1-23 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 4: 1-24 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 5: 1-30 Videos contains footage from that day #### Commuter2.zip contains the MP4 video files for Commuter 2 divided into each day. File naming: Participant_Date_camera+clip number - Folder 1: 10-15 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 2: 10-16 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 3: 10-17 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 4: 10-18 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 5: 10-21 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 6: 10-22 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 7: 10-23 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 8: 10-24 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 9: 10-25 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 10: 10-27 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 11: 10-28 Videos contains footage from that day - File 12: Com2_Ride notes.txt is the participant's thoughts on each day #### Commuter3.zip contains the MP4 video files for Commuter 3 divided into each day. File naming: Participant_Date_camera+clip number - Folder 1: 1-22 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 2: 1-24 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 3: 1-27 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 4: 1-28 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 5: 1-30 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 6: 1-31 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 7: 2-3 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 8: 2-4 Videos contains footage from that day ##### Recreational1.zip contains the MP4 video files for Recreational rider 1 divided into each day. File naming: Participant_Date_camera+clip number - Folder 1: 10-28 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 2: 11-2 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 3: 11-9 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 4: 11-13 Videos contains footage from that day #### Recreational2.zip contains the MP4 video files for Recreational rider 2 divided into each day. File naming: Participant_Date_camera+clip number - Folder 1: 10-29 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 2: 10-30 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 3: 11-1 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 4: 11-2 Videos contains footage from that day #### Athlete.zip contains the MP4 video files for Recreational rider 2 divided into each day. File naming: Participant_Date_camera+clip number - Folder 1: 10-31 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 2: 11-5 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 3: 11-8 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 4: 11-9 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 5: 11-11 Videos contains footage from that day - Folder 6: 11-13 and 15 Videos contains footage from those days Preview-StravaCampus.jpg: Preview image used as the thumbnail image in ReDATA. Corresponds to StravaCampus.jpg in Bicycle Maps.zip Folder 4. --------------------------------------------- ## Materials & Methods Software: ArcGIS (10.7.1): A review of incidents, routes, heatmap, and Pima counts was conducted to identify locations with high ridership and numerous incidents. For example, the near misses at Helen and Mountain north of Campus demonstrated how riders are avoiding this intersection because of decreases in evening ridership shown in the PAG counts. The Strava heatmap shows a 3-way split and the participant re-routed to avoid this intersection. GPSFile_to_SHP: Toolbox for ArcGIS to convert GPS Files (KML, GPX, WPT, PLT) to Shapefile available at https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=0447d3e568c8451ca6249a194f603fe4 Media VLC Player: .MP4 files are best viewed in VLC Microsoft Word: .docx files are best viewed in Word Microsoft Excel: .xlxs files are best viewed in Excel Photos: .jpg files can be viewed in any software that shows images --------------------------------------------- ## Contributor Roles The roles are defined by the CRediT taxonomy http://credit.niso.org/ - Joseph Iuliano, University of Arizona: funding acquisition, methodology, data analysis, data curation, writing - original and editing