--------------------------------------------- # Poster Presentation for: "Probing the nature of roots through language contact" Preferred citation (DataCite format): Alexiadou, Artemis; Lohndal, Terje (2021). Poster Presentation for: "Probing the nature of roots through language contact". University of Arizona Research Data Repository. Poster. https://arizona.figshare.com/articles/poster/Poster_Presentation_for_Probing_the_nature_of_roots_through_language_contact_/14481600 Corresponding Author: Artemis Alexiadou, Humboldt University, artemis.alexiadou@hu-berlin.de License: CC0 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25422/azu.data.14481600 --------------------------------------------- ## Summary This poster was presented on 2021 April 8 - 11 at the [39th meeting of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics](https://sites.google.com/view/wccfl2021/). Provided abstract: Data from language contact support the following view of roots:• Roots are devoid of categorical information• Roots merge with (overt or covert) categorizers in the syntax• The realization of roots and their functional vocabulary as identified in work on language mixing informs theories of what a word is, how it is built, and how concepts are lexicalized across languages --------------------------------------------- ## Additional Notes Links: - https://sites.google.com/view/wccfl2021/ This presentation is part of the 2021 West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics collection, which is available here: https://doi.org/10.25422/azu.data.c.5325401