# Data and Code for Enabling Authors to Produce Computable Phenotype Measurements Usability Studies on the Software Prototype "Measurement Recorder" Preferred Citation (DataCite format): Limin, Zhang; Hong, Cui (2020). Data and Code for Enabling Authors to Produce Computable Phenotype Measurements Usability Studies on the Software Prototype "Measurement Recorder". University of Arizona Research Data Repository. Dataset. https://doi.org/10.25422/azu.data.12578603 Corresponding Author: Hong Cui, University of Arizona (School of Information), hongcui@email.arizona.edu License: CCO MIT DOI: https://doi.org/10.25422/azu.data.12578603 --------------------------------------------- ## Summary The dataset contains the data and codes for the study called "Enabling Authors to Produce Computable Phenotype Measurements: Usability Studies on the Software Prototype “Measurement Recorder". The data include user logs of participants interactions with the software and their responses to questionnaires. --------------------------------------------- ## Files and Folders #### Code: It contains three R code files. - difference.R: R code for determining whether there is a significant difference between the means of two groups task completion times, etc. - sd_var_skewness_mean.R: R code for obtaining some measures of participants responses to the questionnaires, including standard deviations, variations, skewness, and mean to get a big picture of the data. - worldcloud.R: R code for generating world clouds out of characters definitions participants input in the shared experiment. #### Questionnaires: The raw and processed responses to two questionnaires in the experiments. - Individual_Post-Experiment_Questionnaire_Processed.csv: For obtaining participants perspectives on various issues of the Measurement Recorders, the processed responses to the individual post experiment questionnaire in an Excel sheet. - Individual_Post-Experiment_Questionnaire_Raw.csv: For any potential checkups in the future, the unprocessed responses to the individual post experiment questionnaire in an Excel sheet. - Shared_Post-Experiment_Questionnaire_Processed.csv: For obtaining participants perspectives on various issues of the Measurement Recorders, the processed responses to the shared post experiment questionnaire in an Excel sheet. - Shared_Post-Experiment_Questionnaire_Raw.csv: For any potential checkups in the future, the unprocessed responses to the shared post experiment questionnaire in an Excel sheet. #### User Logs: The raw and processed users logs recorded by the system. - Individual_User_Logs_Processed.xlsx: For obtaining how participants completing tasks in the individual experiment, the processed users logs information including userID, task number, character name, start and end time, the definition of character, etc is presenting in the Excel sheet. - Individual_User_Logs_Raw: For any potential checkups in the future, the folder contains SQL files of users log recorded on different days in the individual experiment. - Shared_Computer_Based_User_Logs_es_Processed.xlsx: For obtaining how participants in the expert group completing tasks in the shared computer based experiment, the processed users logs information including userID, character name, task completion time, the definition of character, etc is presenting in the Excel sheet. - Shared_Computer_Based_User_Logs_ns_Processed.xlsx: For obtaining how participants in the non expert group completing tasks in the shared computer based experiment, the processed users logs information including userID, character name, task completion time, the definition of character, etc is presenting in the Excel sheet. - Shared_Computer_Based_User_Logs_Processed_errors.xlsx: For understanding the errors that participants made while completing tasks in the shared computer based experiment, the various types of errors are recorded for each participant in the Excel sheet. - Shared_Paper_Based_Definition.xlsx: For obtaining how participants completing tasks in the shared paper based experiment, the processed users input including subject ID, character name, definition is presenting in the Excel sheet. - Shared_User_Logs_Raw: For any potential checkups in the future, the folder contains SQL files of users log recorded in the shared experiment.