University of Arizona

Data and code for "Runoff variability in the Truckee-Carson River basin from tree rings and a water balance model"

posted on 2024-04-18, 16:45 authored by David M MekoDavid M Meko

Data, supplemental material and R computer code for the paper "Runoff variability in the Truckee-Carson River basin from tree rings and a water balance model." The paper, submitted to Earth Interactions, illustrates reconstruction of point runoff in a mountain watershed from a combination of tree-ring chronologies of total-width, sub-annual-width and delta blue intensity chronologies. The reference for the paper is as follows:

Meko, D. M., Biondi, F., Taylor, A. H., Panyushkina, I. P., Thaxton, R. D., Prusevich, A. A., Shiklomanov, A. I., Lammers, R. B. and Glidden, S. (submitted, 2024). Runoff variability in the Truckee-Carson River basin from tree rings and a water balance model. Earth Interactions.

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Award Numbers

Directorate for Geosciences #1903535

Directorate for Geosciences #1903561

Directorate for Geosciences #1917503

Directorate for Geosciences #1917515


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