University of Arizona

C. elegans bacteria colonization data set. Wild type (N2) worms colonized with GFP-labeled E. coli OP50 vs. mScarlet-labeled P. aeruginosa PA14

posted on 2025-01-13, 23:51 authored by George L SutphinGeorge L Sutphin

This is a C. elegans dataset used to test and validate the Systematic Imaging of Caenorhabditis Killing Organisms (SICKO) imaging and analysis pipeline. The dataset consists of raw TIF image files containing fluorescent images of individual C. elegans cultured in custom single-worm culture environments (DOI: 10.3791/64682). Wild type (strain N2) C. elegans were challenged with either GFP-labeled E. coli OP50 or mScarlet-labeled P. aeruginosa bacteria, washed to remove non-adherent bacteria, and transferred to single-worm culture environment wells with unlabeled bacteria. Each worm was imaged daily to quantify fluorescent intestinal bacterial colonies.

For inquiries regarding the contents of this dataset, please contact the Corresponding Author listed in the README.txt file. Administrative inquiries (e.g., removal requests, trouble downloading, etc.) can be directed to


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