University of Arizona
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Supporting Material: "The Importance of the Upper Atmosphere to CO/O2 Runaway on Habitable Planets Orbiting Low-Mass Stars"

posted on 2023-12-15, 15:04 authored by Sukrit RanjanSukrit Ranjan, Edward Schwieterman, Michaela Leung, Chester Harman, Renyu Hu

Holds photochemical model outputs and processing code associated with Ranjan, Schwieterman, Leung et al. 2023 (ApJL, 958, L15). By running scripts in this repository, use can generate all plots from main text of the paper, as well as the table entries in the paper and Appendix. If you make use of this, please cite the parent ApJL article. For questions, concerns, bugreports, etc please contact

Curator's note: this submission is identical to the one in Zenodo listed below and is intended as an alternate long-term copy.

For inquiries regarding the contents of this dataset, please contact the Corresponding Author listed in the README.txt file. Administrative inquiries (e.g., removal requests, trouble downloading, etc.) can be directed to


Experimental Constraints for Improving Terrestrial Exoplanet Photochemical Models (ExCITE-PM)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

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