University of Arizona

Photogrammetry Experiment at Fagradalsfjall, Iceland

This dataset contains products from unoccupied aircraft system (UAS) surveys conducted at Fagradalsfjall volcano, Iceland, in May 2024. A survey from May 27, 2024, is located north of Litli-Hrútur and covers the 2023 eruption vent and surrounding area. Two surveys from May 29, 2024, are located at the eastern end of Meradalir valley and includes parts of lava flows emplaced during eruptions in 2021, 2022, and 2023. These two surveys have the same spatial extent. One was flown at 55 meters above ground level (AGL) and the other at 111 m AGL. The purpose of these two flights was to acquire an image dataset at multiple resolutions for simulated virtual surveys through the volume above the target using machine learning to dynamically inform flight planning.

The data included for each survey consists of a digital elevation model (DEM), orthomosaic, point cloud, processing report, and original images from the UAS. All data products are presented in the ISN2016 (EPSG:8088) coordinate reference system. The photo locations are in WGS 84 (EPSG:4326).

In addition to the survey data and images, there are two key files:

  1. READ_ME_AGLexperiment.docx: A Read Me file listing all file types and file names for the dataset.
  2. Processing_ AGLexperiment.xlsx: A summary table providing camera and processing information for the three UAS surveys included in the dataset.

The UAS surveys were flown by Ingrid Ukstins and Christopher Hamilton, and processed by Brett Carr at the University of Arizona’s Lunar and Planetary Laboratory (LPL). The UAS used was a DJI Mavic 3E paired with a DJI D-RTK 2 High Precision GNSS Mobile Station. Processing was done using Agisoft Metashape Pro v2.0.2 software and following the workflow of Over et al. (2021, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2021-1039, Spatial reference for the May 27, 2024, survey of the 2023 vent was done using 8 natural ground control points identified in an orthomosaic created from an airborne survey flight conducted by the Icelandic Institute of Natural History on August 8, ( The alignment error calculated by Agisoft Metashape Pro was 0.14 m. Spatial reference for the 55 m AGL flight on May 29, 2024, was provided by the geotagged positions of the images. The photo reference error calculated by Agisoft Metashape Pro for this survey was 0.58 m. Two check points from ground control markers (measured using differential GNSS; Hamilton et al., 2022, have an error of 1.11 m. The 111 m AGL survey from May 29, 2024, was aligned to the 55 m AGL survey using 10 natural ground control points. The alignment error calculated by Agisoft Metashape Pro was 0.02 m.

For inquiries regarding the contents of this dataset, please contact the Corresponding Author listed in the README.txt file. Administrative inquiries (e.g., removal requests, trouble downloading, etc.) can be directed to

This item is part of Fagradalsfjall (Iceland) Eruption collection


Catalyst Fund Grant #22-UOA-012-CGS (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
