Data from: Expanded potential growing region and yield increase for Agave americana with future climate
In Davis et al (2021) we simulated the potential productivity of Agave americana under current and future climates, with and without water management using either irrigation or rock mulch.
This repository contains data generated for the analyses in Davis et al (2021). The code and code documentation can be more easily browsed on GitHub at, but are also archived here.
The key dataset of interest is, which provides predicted annual biomass increments for Agave americana under present and future climates and under rainfed, irrigated, and rock mulch + irrigation scenarios. It contains the model predictions of annual biomass production with units of Mg/ha/y for six scenarios on the same latitude and longitude dimensions as the TERRACLIMATE dataset:
- biomass: rainfed, historical climate
- biomass_irrig: irrigated, historical climate
- biomass_rockmulch: rainfed with rock mulch, historical climate
- biomass4C: rainfed, +4C climate
- biomass_irrig: irrigated, +4C climate
- biomass_rockmulch: rainfed with rock mulch, +4C climate
Other files likely of interest generated as intermediate steps in the analysis: and
These files contain the variable absmin, the absolute minimum temperature. These files also contain tmin, adjustC, and cadj used to compute absmin as described in the text and Calculating Absolute Minimum Annual Temperature section of the README.
- tmin: Average minimum 2-m air temperature, from TERRACLIMATE
- absmin: Absolute minimum 2-m temperature, calculated for this study to determine viable range of Agave americana and
These files provide calculated values of environmental productivity index model parameters alpha, beta, and gamma. These coefficients have values in the range [0,1], with 0 indicating that the environment does not allow growth and 1 indicating that the environmental factor does not limit growth. These coefficients are calculated monthly for each grid cell under 1981-2010 and +4C climate normals, and beta is calculated for the three water availability scenarios. These coefficients have values in the range [0,1], with 0 indicating that the environment does not allow growth and 1 indicating that the environmental factor does not limit growth.
- alpha: light limitation coefficient
- beta: water limitation coefficient
- beta2: water limitation coefficient to simulate irrigation
- beta3: water limitation coefficient to simulate rainfed with rock mulch
- gamma: minimum temperature coefficient
Files provided for reference, not intended for reuse:
- README.pdf contains the README that explains the analysis steps, data sources, and outputs in more detail.
- The file not_suitable.gpkg contains polygons representing the union of land that is either protected (UNEP-WCMC and IUCN 2021) or urbanized (Kelso and Patterson 2010). As UNEP-WCMC is updated monthly, researchers are advised to download the current version.
- contains all map figures generated using Panoply, as well as Panoply settings files with the extension .pcl.
- contains a snapshot of code in the GitHub repository.
- The original files containing adjustC and cadj are archived in the file because these are the inputs to the analysis. The same data layers are also provided alongside calculated absmin in the files and
All NetCDF files (those ending in .nc) have additional metadata. The paper and software repository provide additional details.
To cite the research:
- Davis, S.C.; Abatzoglou, J.T.; LeBauer, D.S. Expanded Potential Growing Region and Yield Increase for Agave americana with Future Climate. Agronomy 2021, 11, 2109.
To cite these datasets (this archive):
- LeBauer, David Shaner; Davis, Sarah; Abatzoglou, John (2022): Data from: Expanded potential growing region and yield increase for Agave americana with future climate. University of Arizona Research Data Repository. Dataset.
To cite the code:
- LeBauer, D., Davis, S., & Abatzoglou, J. (2021). Data and Code from: Expanded potential growing region and yield increase for Agave americana with future climate (Version davis_etal_2021) [Computer software].
For inquiries regarding the contents of this dataset, please contact the Corresponding Author listed in the README.txt file. Administrative inquiries (e.g., removal requests, trouble downloading, etc.) can be directed to