University of Arizona

Data for "Versatile soil gas concentration and isotope monitoring: optimization and integration of novel soil gas probes with online trace gas detection"

posted on 2021-09-15, 16:08 authored by Juliana Gil LoaizaJuliana Gil Loaiza, Joseph R. Roscioli, Joanne H. Shorter, Till H.M. Volkmann, Wei-Ren Ng, Laura K. Meredith, Jordan E. Krechmer

Between 2018 and 2019, we evaluated the integration of a new diffusion-based probe with high-resolution gas trace analyzers using custom soil columns. We measured changes in soil gases, carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and its isotopes, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), through different experiments conducted to challenge the sampling system.

Similar sampling systems were built at The University of Arizona (System 1) and Aerodyne Research Inc. (System 2). In System 1, we used Dual-laser TILDAS (Aerodyne Research, Inc. (ARI), Billerica, MA, USA) to measure CO2 isotopes and Mini TILDAS (ARI, Billerica, MA, USA) for CO, and CO2. In System 2, we used a novel dual TILDAS analyzer for isotopomers of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (NO2), and Proton Transfer Reaction Time Of Flight Mass Spectrometers (PTR-TOF-MS) vocus (ARI, Billerica, MA, USA) for VOCs (more details: Summary systems experiment and figures.pdf).

This data set contains the processed data from the results obtained during the different experiments conducted using controlled columns filled with a simple silica matrix to optimize system parameters and obtain representative soil gas samples. It also contains processed data from experiments using real soil; we challenged the capability of the probe to measure changes in soil conditions by mimicking rainfall to rewet soil and by shifting soil redox from anaerobic to aerobic condition.

RStudio and R version 3.3.2 (R Studio Team, 2017) was used to combine raw data and metadata analysis from System 1. Igor Pro (version 7, WaveMetrics, Lake Oswego, OR) was used to analyze instrument diagnostic, concentrations and times series and graphics for both systems.

Igor Pro software was used under license. Igor Pro scripts were used for data processing and analysis including Aerodyne Research Inc. proprietary scripts for parsing and averaging data and cannot be in a public repository. Vocus data was processed using the Tofware (Aerodyne/TOFWERK A.G.) software package in Igor Pro. Other portions of Igor code used for plotting are available upon request. Raw measurements files (e.g., TILDAS and vocus spectra which are a large set of data) will be available upon request.

We are providing data in ASCII (tab delimited) organized in folders structured as PRO for processed data for specific experiments using System 1 and REA for ready-to-use data for graphic analysis (figures). To guide and increase the understanding about how the data was used, a PDF file with a summary of the experiments and the corresponding REA file was included.

For inquiries regarding the contents of this dataset, please contact the Corresponding Author listed in the README.txt file. Administrative inquiries (e.g., removal requests, trouble downloading, etc.) can be directed to


U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant, Office of Science, under Award Number(s) DE-SC0018459
