Data for "Rheological arrest vs. rapid growth of bubbles in crystal-rich magma"
This dataset is used to find the regime boundaries that are shown in Figure 7. The .mat file has been generated from the bubble growth modeling (as described in the text) in Matlab. The data is processed based on the boundary conditions, and the fragmentation and yield stress threshold criteria as summarized in the main text and shown by the regime boundaries in Figure 7.
The name of the variables correspond to time (t, sec), crystal volume fraction (phix), melt viscosity (etal, Pa s), melt+crystal viscosity (etacrys, Pa s), melt pressure (pm, Pa), gas pressure (pg, Pa), dissolved water concentration (c, wt. frac.), bubble radius (R, m), gas volume fraction (phi), crystal maximum packing fraction (phim), extensional rate (gammadot), bubble number density (Nb, per m3 of melt), temperature (T, K), surface tension (sigma, Nm-1), melt volume surrounding each bubble (vmo, m3), universal gas constant (B, J/K/mol), molecular weight of water (Mw, kg mole-1), magma density (rhom, kg m-3), initial gas pressure (pgo, Pa), initial melt pressure (pmo, Pa), initial bubble radius (Ro, m), initial dissolved water concentration (co, wt. frac.), gravitational acceleration (g, m s-2), yield pressure (Py, Pa), effective bubble overpressure (deltapeff, Pa), range of crystallization rate (IG3o, s-4), crystallization rate (IG3, s-4), and the range of decompression rate (dpmdto, Pa s-1).
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