Tabulated data indicating effects on ln K by the small osmolytes PEG 200, PEG 300, PEG 400, PEG 600 and Sucrose. Listed are the weight percentages of each osmolyte in the sample solution, the calculated osmotic pressures.
TabulateddataindicatingeffectsonlnKbythelargeosmolytesPEG1000,PEG1500, PEG 2000, PEG 3000, PEG 4000andPEG6000. Listed are the weight percentages of each osmolyte in the sample, the calculated osmotic pressures.
The numbers of hydrating water molecules and curvature term, reflected by a change in virial coefficient ΔC or change in compressibility Δκ for a standard-state MI-MII transition were calculated for the response of rhodopsin to various molecular weight osmolytes.
Tabulated pHtitrationdata, where MII fractions (θ) are taken from the fitting of basis spectra to the experimental spectra.
Tabulated pKAvalues and alkaline endpoints.
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