Data for "A Preliminary Regional Geomorphologic Map in Utopia Planitia of the Tianwen-1 Zhurong Landing Region" is a collection of the files used in the associated publication for this dataset. This presents the dataset used for developing an initial geomorphologic map of the landing region of the Zhurong rover from the Tianwen-1 spacecraft.
Description of each item:
ArcMap Data: This folder contains two subfolders: Features and Units. Each folder contains ArcMap 10.8 shapefiles and data that must be linked with the UtopiaPlanitia_22N26N_108E112E_GeomorphologicMap.mxd map file.
Concentric Graben Thickness Estimates Data.txt: This file contains all measurements used in the calculations of material cover thicknesses for concentric grabens in the associated publication for this dataset.
Figures: These figures are those in the publication for this dataset, in .jpg format.
List of Basemap Images.txt: This file is a list of the publicly available images used as basemap images in mapping.
UtopiaPlanitia_22N26N_108E112E_GeomorphologicMap.mxd: This is the ArcMap 10.8 map file. It needs to be linked with the ArcMap Data folder to access the mapped feature classes. It also needs to be linked with image files, if any listed in "List of Basemap Images.txt" (downloaded separately).
For inquiries regarding the contents of this dataset, please contact the Corresponding Author listed in the README.txt file. Administrative inquiries (e.g., removal requests, trouble downloading, etc.) can be directed to