Data and Code for: "Active Seismic Refraction, Reflection and Surface-Wave Exploration in Debris-Covered Glacial Environments, Sourdough and Malaspina Glaciers, Alaska"
These folders contain first break pick files, example .segy files, dispersion curve picks for example field records, and code used to create the images for the refraction tomography, seismic and GPR reflection, and multi-channel analysis of surface waves sections in the pre-publication manuscript used for thesis: Kuehn, T., Holt, J.W., Johnson, R., Meng, T. (2022). Active Seismic Refraction, Reflection and Surface-Wave Exploration in Debris-Covered Glacial Environments, Sourdough and Malaspina Glaciers, Alaska. Master's thesis, University of Arizona.
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Collaborative Research: The Demise Of The World's Largest Piedmont Glacier
Directorate for Geosciences
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