CESA (Corpus del Español en el Sur de Arizona) aims at documenting and disseminating Spanish varieties spoken in Arizona. Graduate and undergraduate students, under PI’s supervision, collect, transcribe and analyze interviews with local Spanish speakers. This digital oral corpus provides material for multiple linguistic analyses of local bilingual Spanish and subsequent comparisons with other varieties.
The Corpus Bilingüe del Valle (CoBiVa) which documents the Spanish and English spoken in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas is a sister corpus to CESA.
Cite as: Carvalho, Ana M. (2012-). Corpus del Español en el Sur de Arizona (CESA). University of Arizona. cesa.arizona.edu. https://doi.org/10.25422/azu.data.15070800
For all inquiries regarding this dataset, please contact CESA. The data is subject to the CESA's terms of use.
CESA has been made possible in part by a Humanities Collections and Referral Resources grant from the National Endowment of the Humanities: Exploring the Human Endeavor