Arizona Streamgage Catalog
Various entities operate streamgages and conduct stream measurements in Arizona, but a lack of collaboration means their collective locations are unknown. This drastically reduces the efficiency and accuracy of gathering information for streamflow data. The Arizona Streamgage Catalog (AZStreamCAT) project is developing an interactive, online publicly-available catalog using GIS that provides the quantity and location of virtually all streamgages and streamflow measurement locations in Arizona. Streamgage and streamflow measurement locations and associated metadata were obtained from a variety of government, private consultant, and non-governmental organizations. Precipitation measurement locations will be added as a separate layer, and we are also beginning to expand the project into New Mexico. The catalog can provide information to stakeholders, increase effective management of resources, and help establish protocols for future data collection.
This dataset is an Excel spreadsheet containing streamgage locations and metadata which includes: agency name, station ID, station name, watershed, county, AMA/INA, lat/long/elev, period of record, gage type, status (active or inactive), measurement frequency, and a website link.
For inquiries regarding the contents of this dataset, please contact the Corresponding Author listed in the README.txt file. Administrative inquiries (e.g., removal requests, trouble downloading, etc.) can be directed to